Tired of getting poor sleep?
Do you crave a good night's sleep?
Are you like me:
Go to bed early but wake up early and can't get back to sleep?
Do you wake up in the night or early morning?
Or do you take a long time to get to sleep?
Watch the clock all night worrying that you'll be tired tomorrow?
Toss and turn?
Can't stop your racing thoughts or worrying about your list of things to be done tomorrow.
Kick yourself for the events of the day and have a hamster wheel that you can't get off.
Hypnosis can help.
We can explore the root causes of why you can't sleep.
Calm your racing mind
Give you tools and strategies to use every night.
With your deeper sleep you may experience dreaming again.
You do not fall asleep during the Hypnosis session.
You will be gently guided into hypnosis and trance (much like meditation or just before you drift off to sleep)
is so relaxing and enjoyable many of my clients do follow up sessions just for that feeling alone.
However during the session we can achieve so much.
We switch your nervous system from "fight or flight" into "rest and digest"
where is should be the majority of the time.
This is extremely restorative on its own.